Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Pearson/Edexcel Unit 425 - Designing and Developing a Website

This unit is often chosen for Level 3 apprentices as well as those undertaking Level 4. It is a challenging but rewarding unit, especially if allied to suitable tech cert units. It will provide a good basis for ongoing career development.
The fact that it is worth 15 credits and has a suggested guided learning of 90 hours, in reality near three weeks full time study, demonstrates that it is a substantial unit.
LO1 - Design a website to address loosely-defined requirements
Good planning to gain a clear view of what the customer is looking for will save time in the long run. However, not all customers are fully clear on what they want so it is important to meet 1.3 by providing alternative designs. Good use of stylesheets will give the opportunity provide a choice of look and feel.
LO2 - 2.1 is somewhat out of date as XHTML has been incorporated into HTML5. Spend a little time studying the history of HTML to gain an understanding.It is also important to understand the different ways to use CSS (also see earlier for 1.3). 2.5 and 2.6 need some research into the plethora of tools, methodologies and technologies.
LO3 - 3.1 & 3.2 are both about research. 3.3 needs at least a couple of good examples of using multimedia in your website, ideally more than just a couple of graphics.
LO4 - You need a basic test strategy, use a template. If you are you using agile methodology, are you using test-driven programming. You will find discrepancies : ensure you record them and record how you rectify them.
LO5 - Again you need to do the research. W3C is an obvious starting point. Make sure you know the difference between accessibility and usability.
LO6 - Very much a research objective. Think about how the Internet and WWW can be used for a range of business tools. Similarly with the other objectives, you will need to significant research.

Useful resources:
w3schools - vast collection of tutorials. As a minimum, make use of the HTML & CSS tutorials. Bootstrap will provide you with skills to adapt your website to make the best of mobile platforms.

Derek Banas tutorials - good professional tutorials.

Bucky Roberts tutorials  - The New Boston - if you can stand his delivery style, he does have a wide range of programming video tutorials on youtube.

Tutor4u - I've not looked in depth at these but at first glimpse, they look quite clear.

I'll add more resources when I next get a spare hour.

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